At crucial moments in the history of mankind there is the rare phenomenon of the Divine Power taking human form endowed with extraordinary multi-dimensional faculties, capable of raising the con sciousness of whole humanity to a higher, nobler, expanded self-awareness. Such a divine manifestation combines in himself attributes of both, a reformer and a mystic, a philosopher and guide.
Such has been the life of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, the patron founder of Gayatri Pariwar, who gave to humanity the message and assurance of the imminent advent of a Golden era on earth when love, peace, good will, understand ing will reign supreme in human life. During his eighty year span of earthly life he tirelessly worked for and laid the founda tion of the new era. He was helped in his Herculean divinely assigned task by his soul-mate Mata Bhagwati Devi. Both of them have now withdrawn to the subtle and causal realms of existence and continue to inspire the process of advent of new era.
It is for the future historian to make an objective assessment of Acharyaji's greatness. However, the Gayatri Pariwar fraternity, Gayatri Teerth - Shantikunjand other establishments, Millions of devoted parijans are testimony enough to the greatness of This Selfless Soul , whose relentless pursuit for upliftment of entire humanity has no parallel.
The mission’s fraternity at Shantikunj, Hardwar – an academy for moral and spiritual awakening and training…, Brahmvarchas Research Centre (also in Hardwar) for creative integration of the modern science with spirituality, other major establishments – Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura, Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura, Janmbhumi Sthan at Anvalkheda, Agra, Dev Sanskriti University and over 3000 distributed social reform centres (called Shakti Pithas or Pragya Mandalas) are engaged in making Acharya Sharma’s dream of “revival of divine culture and global welfare” come true.
All prominent persons of clear vision have predicted in their own way that the coming years were most crucial and critical. In Bible there is reference to ‘Seven Times’ as the time of destruction of the world. It coincides with the present times. In Islam there is reference to a great crisis in the fourteenth century of the Hijri Era. Bhavishya Parana has also predicted outbreak of catastrophic conditions during these days. Similar prophecies have been made in Guru Granth Sahib. The famous poet, Soordas has foretold about the world facing calamities during these days. There are similar forebodings in the carvings on the pyramids of Egypt. Several Indian prophets have also made such prophecies on spiritual as well as on astrological basis.
Soothsayers like Jeane Dixon, Prof. Harary Anderson, John Baverie, Cheiro, Arthur Clerk, Nostradamus, Mother Shrimpton, Anandacharya, who have great influence in the western countries and whose predictions have been ninety-nine percent correct, have also predicted horrible possibilities.
In an international conference of occultists held sometime back in Korea, similar dreadful possibilities were hinted at. A conference of the specialists of the whole world in the science of future foretelling (futurologists) was held in Toronto, Canada in which it was stated that we are very close to a holocaust. Those who are said to be experts in the science of astronomy have expressed the view that the spots appearing on the Sun and frequency of solar eclipses will have harmful effects on the life on earth. The appearance of the comet named ‘Hailee’ in the beginning of 1985 is also said to be harmful to the inhabitants of the earth on account of its poisonous gases.
In an international conference of occultists held sometime back in Korea, similar dreadful possibilities were hinted at. A conference of the specialists of the whole world in the science of future foretelling (futurologists) was held in Toronto, Canada in which it was stated that we are very close to a holocaust. Those who are said to be experts in the science of astronomy have expressed the view that the spots appearing on the Sun and frequency of solar eclipses will have harmful effects on the life on earth. The appearance of the comet named ‘Hailee’ in the beginning of 1985 is also said to be harmful to the inhabitants of the earth on account of its poisonous gases.
People having ordinary common sense know that due to exponential growth in human population not only food and water will become scarce but people will not get even space to live in and walk on. Due to over-industrialization and mechanization, air and water have become poisonous and scarce. Mineral oil, metals and coal will not last even for fifty years more. On account of radiation due to nuclear explosions the present and future generations will suffer from dangerous diseases like cancer. If there is outbreak of a nuclear war, not only humanity but also other species and vegetation will be wiped out. The imbalance in temperature is likely to create storms in the oceans on account of melting of ice in the Polar Regions. Thus, the prospects of the return of ice-age are being predicted. The sum and substance of all this is that there is definitely going to be some terrible turmoil and upheaval. Thus one can easily imagine about the possibility of destruction before new-creation, of melting before molding.
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