Good World

Good World

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Corruption Free India...

Arrest of Mr A. Raja, the ex-Communications Minister is a victory of the civil society and anti-corruption movement launched by us. This has boosted our courage and confidence in making positive changes in the society.
However, we must continue to insist that corruption cannot be checked by a few arrests here and there.

India needs the following 4 fundamental institutional reforms to eliminate corruption:
1.  Setting up an autonomous, fully empowered investigating and prosecuting agency, free to initiate action against any government functionary – politicians, bureaucrats or judges without anybody’s permission;

2.  Dismantling of all discretionary powers given to Ministers and bureaucrats – all government processes must be standardized, computerized and made fully transparent;

3.  Providing for complete state funding of election though mass media with equal opportunity to all political parties; and

4.  Maximum privatization – government to manage only security, justice, enforcement of contracts, currency and environment. The rest must be left to private enterprises. Public money is treated as nobody’s money – hence there is so much corruption in public/government sectors. All the so-called welfare programs initiated in the name of the poor must also be dismantled, because they are just created to loot public fund by babus and netas. In lieu of that, a system of direct cash transfer through Banks/Post Offices should be started with the aim that the basic minimum needs of everybody are taken care of.
Just these 4 basic reforms would eliminate 99% corruption from public life.

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