Good World

Good World

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Are you an invisible employee? Find out ways to reinvent yourself

Every workplace has them - the hard-workers, the whiners, the shirkers and the invisible employees. If you think the last two are practically synonymous, you have another thing coming. Shirkers don't want to work, but with the invisible employees, willingness to work is not in question. Says marketing executive Sucheta Madan (name changed): "I like what I am doing but there's something lacking. 

My work is good but not considered superlative; appraisals are fair but not extraordinary. And though I may not be my boss' favourite, he isn't unhappy with me either. I think I am mostly irrelevant, invisible except when I am literally in his line of vision." If you echo her feelings and believe you are somewhere on the periphery of the organisation's consciousness, you are most likely an invisible employee yourself. 

Part of the problem is inadequate networking skills - you may be a competent worker but find it difficult to assert your presence or 'market' yourself well. At a broader level, an assortment of aspects are at play, such as competence, confidence and inherent shyness. 

"Such employees focus on irrelevant things, for instance; 'What do they think of me'; 'What if I am wrong in what I say/do?' Then there are those who feel secure in the comfort of their 'invisible zone' and avoid taking on responsibilities," says Meenakshi Roy, senior vice-president of human resources at Reliance Broadcast Network. 

Identifying your type 

Latha Nambisan, senior vice-president (HR) at Servion Global, a customer interaction management solutions company, divides invisible employees into three categories. The first comprises employees who give up on being visible because of the frustration generated by unmet expectations. Employees who believe that only empty vessels make noise form the second category. 

You will find them believing that their work should speak for them. The third category is made up of those who lack achievement orientation. Their pet phrases are "living for the moment" and "que sera sera", and they are more or less convinced that their current job doesn't form a part of the larger scheme of things. 

Nambisan believes many such invisible employees can be found in large organisations, partly because it's difficult to keep tabs in a large workforce. 

Whose responsibility is it? 

The responsibility of tackling an invisible employee rests on the manager. Most experts believe that visibility, or the lack of it, is a result of an all-important two-way process gone awry. "If an employee feels that his immediate manager is transactional in nature without offering positive reinforcement, we can be sure of creating an invisible employee. 

On the other hand, if assertion is expected for a role but an employee does not possess this trait - nor makes any attempt to acquire and hone it - he can easily get sidelined," says Roopa Badrinath, group head of HR at Rediffusion Y&R, a leading advertising company. 

Employees who have succumbed to this rampant career-killing malaise tend to look up to the immediate manager or the management in general to put an end to their suffering. For this, a manager has to be intuitive enough to understand an employee's reasons for becoming indifferent. "A good manager can easily spot employees in each of these categories and do what is required to pull them into the mainstream. But nowadays most managers aren't motivated enough to do so. Either they are too busy or their tenures are too short to sustain a relationship building process," says Nambisan. 

 via - economics times

Organizations free of rules and restrictions

Every organization is free and autonomous in itself. There will be no regional or provincial organizations ruling over them. These organizations may take direction, inspiration, and guidance from the center, in order to set their direction according to the philosophy of our center. This guidance, however, shall have no conditions. Our movement for creating a new era is a system: it is a philosophical blueprint, a prescription of a new way of thinking and a new way of conducting ourselves. This system is clear of any rules and restrictions. Local organizations and chapters are sufficient for this purpose. In ancient times, all religions, sects, and movements functioned without rules, restrictions, and governance. Ever since the everyday politics of democratic governance has creeped into religious organizations, the desire for personal gain and higher status has led to corrupt practices that abuse the system, just like in politics. Under and and all conditions, we must protect our organization from such troubles. Local chapters are more than sufficient, with the center providing moral and spiritual guidance only.

Yes, practices that are clearly contrary to the central philosophy will be disallowed, in the form of exclusion of such centers from the organization. 

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

सज्जनता घाटे में नहीं रहती

उदार-प्रकृति के लोग कई बार चालाक लोगों द्वारा ठगे जाते हैं और उससे उन्हें घाटा ही रहता है, पर उनकी सज्जनता से प्रभावित होकर दूसरे लोग जितनी उनकी सहायता करते हैं उस लाभ के बदले में ठगे जाने का घाटा कम ही रहता है । सब मिलाकर वे लाभ में ही रहते हैं ।
इसी प्रकार स्वार्थी लोग किसी के काम नहीं आने से अपना कुछ हर्ज या हानि होने का अवसर नहीं आने देते, पर उनकी कोई सहायता नहीं करता तो वे उस लाभ से वंचित भी रहते हैं । ऐसी दशा में वह अनुदार चालाक व्यक्ति, उस उदार और भोले व्यक्ति की अपेक्षा घाटे में ही रहता है ।
दुहरे बाँट रखने वाले बेईमान दुकानदारों को कभी फलते-फूलते नहीं देखा गया । स्वयं खुदगर्जी और अशिष्टता बरतने वाले लोग जब दूसरों से सज्ज्नता और सहायता की आशा करते हैं तो ठीक दुहरे बाँट वाले बेईमान दुकानदार का अनुकरण करते हैं । ऐसा व्यवहार कभी किसी के लिए उन्नति और प्रसन्नता का कारण नहीं बन सकता ।
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

Good nature doesn’t cost anything

Selfless and generous individuals are often tricked by cunning people and as a result, they may usually seem to be at disadvantage. On the other hand, many people—influenced by their generosity—offer them so much help and support that the disadvantage of being tricked by cunning people more or less gets eclipsed by the advantage of reaping help and support from many people. All in all, selfless and generous individuals are always at advantage.

In the same way, selfish people may not bother to help others and in doing so, they may avoid losing anything. However, their selfish nature discourages other people from offering help, thus depriving them of that crucial advantage. To put in a nutshell, mean and selfish individuals would generally suffer greater loss than generous and good-natured individuals.

Corrupt traders who follow double-standards are never seen prospering. Selfish, egoistical and bad-mannered people who expect others to be good to them and help them are actually behaving in the same way as the corrupt traders having double-standards. Such behavior can never ever lead to progress and happiness in life.

कर्म के साथ भावना को भी जोडें

दिनभर लोहा पीटने वाले लुहार की अपेक्षा अखाड़े में दो घण्टे कसरत करने वाला पहलवान अधिक परिपुष्ट पाया जाता है । इसका कारण व्यायाम के साथ जुड़ी हुई उत्साहवर्द्धक भावना है । कसरत करते समय यह मान्यता रहती है कि हम स्वास्थ्य साधना कर रहे हैं और इस आस्था का मनोवैज्ञानिक असर ऐसा चमत्कारी होता है कि देह ही परिपुष्ट नहीं होती, मन की हिम्मत तथा सशक्तता भी बहुत बढ़ जाती है ।
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

Combine Emotions with Action

A wrestler who devotes 2-3 hours daily in the Gymnasium is more stronger than a blacksmith who threshes & beats iron for many hours regularly. Enthusiasm to build a body is a reason behind such results. We think of good health during exercise and this affects our psychology and not only our body but our mind also gets strengthened.

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

भौतिकता और आध्यात्मिकता की आवश्यकता

भौतिकता और आध्यात्मिकता परस्पर दोनों एक-दूसरे से जुड़ी हुई हैं । एक के बिना दूसरी अधूरी है । जंगल में गुफा में रहने वाले विरक्त महात्मा का भी भोजन, प्रकाश, माला, कमण्डल, आसन, खड़ाऊँ, पुस्तक, कम्बल, आग आदि वस्तुओं की आवश्यकता रहेगी ही, इनके बिना उसका जीवित रहना भी सम्भव न रहेगा । इतनी भौतिकता तो गुफा निवासी महात्मा को भी बरतनी पड़ेगी और अपने परिवार के प्रति प्रेम और त्याग बरतने की आध्यात्मिकता चोर-उठाईगीर और निरन्तर भौतिकवादी को भी रखनी पड़ेगी । भौतिकता को तमतत्व और आध्यात्मिकता को सततत्व, माना गया है । दोनों के मिलने से रजतत्व बना है । इसी में मानव की स्थिति हैं । एक के भी समाप्त जाने पर मनुष्य का रूप नहीं रहता । तम नष्ट होकर सत ही रह जाए तो व्यक्ति देवता या परमहंस होगा । यदि सत नष्ट होकर तम ही रह जाए तो असुरता या पैशाचिकता ही बची होगी । दोनों स्थितियों में मनुष्यत्व का व्यतिरेक हो जाएगा ।
इसलिए मानव जीवन की स्थिति जब तक है, तब तक भौतिकता और आध्यात्मिकता दोनों ही साथ-साथ रहती हैं । अन्तर केवल प्राथमिकता का है । सज्जनों के लिए आध्यात्मिकता ही प्रमुख रहती है, वे उसकी रक्षा के लिए भौतिक आधार की बहुत अंशों तक उपेक्षा भी कर सकते हैं । इस प्रकार दुर्जंनों के लिए भौतिकता का स्थान पहला है । वे उस प्रकार के लाभों के लिए आध्यात्मिक मर्यादाओं का उल्लंघन भी कर देते हैं । इतने पर भी दोनों ही प्रकृति के लोग किसी न किसी रूप में भौतिक और आत्मिक तथ्यों को अपनाते ही हैं, या उन्हें अपनाये ही रहना पड़ता ।
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

Necessity of Materialism and Spirituality

Spirituality and Materialism are both mutually connected. One is incomplete without the other. The saint, even when living in a cave in the jungle, needs food, fire, clothes, carpet, books, blanket, utensils, and many amenities without which it is difficult for him to survive. So, some materialism is being practiced even by those deemed highly spiritual.On the other hand, even the extreme materialists such as robbers practice some spirituality in the form of love and sacrifice for their families and loved ones. Amongst the three attributes (three Gunas: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas) spiritualism is considered as Sattvik (= pure or, divine) whereas materialism is considered as Tamasik (dark, impure, or ignorant).The combination of the two extremes is Rajas, associated with force, energy, and a desire to act. The dynamics of the universe is maintained by a perfect balance of these three attributes. If Tamas is destroyed, man will become God and if Sattva is removed, the man will become a devil. In either case, the human nature is lost. Humanity lies in the delicate balance of the extremes. Therefore, so long as human life exists, materialism and spirituality will both co-exist in man. Giving a higher priority to one is what makes all the difference. For the generous and kind people, spirituality is the primary preference, to the extent that they might end up neglecting the material basis of all things. On the other hand, the selfish people prefer materialism so strongly that they transgress all the ethical limits set by spirituality.

In spite of these facts, each of the two types of people – whether materialist or spiritualist, accept the other viewpoint and are often compelled to consider it. 

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

दुष्कर्मों के दण्ड से प्रायश्चित्त ही छुड़ा सकेगा

यह ठीक है कि जिस व्यक्ति के साथ अनाचार बरता गया अब उस घटना को बिना हुई नहीं बनाया जा सकता । सम्भव है कि वह व्यक्ति अन्यत्र चला गया हो । ऐसी दशा में उसी आहत व्यक्ति की उसी रूप में क्षति पूर्ति करना सम्भव नहीं । किन्तु दूसरा मार्ग खुला है । हर व्यक्ति समाज का अंग है । व्यक्ति को पहुँचाई गई क्षति वस्तुत: प्रकारान्तर से समाज की ही क्षति है । उस व्यक्ति को हमने दुष्कर्मों से जितनी क्षति पहुँचाई है उसकी पूर्ति तभी होगी जब हम उतने ही वजन के सत्कर्म करके समाज को लाभ पहुँचाये । समाज को इस प्रकार हानि और लाभ का बैलेन्स जब बराबर हो जायेगा तभी यह कहा जायेगा कि पाप का प्रायश्चित हो गया और आत्मग्लानि एवं आत्मप्रताडऩा से छुटकारा पाने की स्थिति बन गई ।
सस्ते मूल्य के कर्मकाण्ड करके पापों के फल से छुटकारा पा सकना सर्वथा असम्भव है । स्वाध्याय, सत्संग, कथा, कीर्तन, तीर्थ, व्रत आदि से चित्त में शुद्धता की वृद्धि होना और भविष्य में पाप वृत्तियों पर अंकुश लगाने की बात समझ में आती है । धर्म कृत्यों से पाप नाश के जो माहात्म्य शास्त्रों में बताये गये हैं उनका तात्पर्य इतना ही है कि मनोभूमि का शोधन होने से भविष्य में बन सकने वाले पापों की सम्भावना का नाश हो जाये।
ईश्वरीय कठोर न्याय व्यवस्था में ऐसा ही विधान है कि पाप परिणामों की आग में जल मरने से जिन्हें बचना हो वे समाज की उत्कृष्टता बढ़ाने की सेवा-साधना में संलग्न हों और लदे हुए भार से छुटकारा प्राप्त कर शान्ति एवं पवित्रता की स्थिति उपलब्ध कर लें ।
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

Only Remorse can save from the punishment of wicked acts

It is fair to say that if we had behaved badly or done something unfair to someone, we cannot just ignore it as if it never happened. It may be possible that the person who was mistreated has gone away and may not be accessible or traceable any more. In such a situation, it may not be possible to make up for what we had done to him/her. However, there is another way to accomplish it. Every person is a part of society. Hence, damage or harm caused to any individual is, in reality, damage caused to society. We can compensate damage we caused to that individual by doing as much good to society. When the amount of good done to society makes up for the amount of harm done to the individual, it can be safely said that we have atoned for the wrongdoing and have come to a point where we can free us from any sense of guilt.

It is absolutely impossible to set us free from any wrongdoing by means of observing some cheap religious rituals. Reading sacred texts and good thoughts, satasanga (staying in touch with people of great character), listening to discourses and devotional songs, going on pilgrimage, fasting, etc. help us to purify our mind and also enlighten us to restrain, from now on, our tendency to commit anything wrong. The scriptures speak about religious rites and observances having a grand ability to cleanse us from our sins. They only mean to say that the cleansing of the mind (achieved through such observances) may negate any possibility of that individual committing sinful acts in future.

The inescapable justice system of God directs that anyone who wishes to absolve them from the consequences of their wrongdoing should devote themselves to selfless services to the community that can boost up its goodness or merits. This can help anyone to cleanse him/herself from any past wrongdoings and thus, imparts peace and freedom from guilt and unworthy intentions.

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

देशभक्त नवनिर्माण के कार्य में जुट जाए

सरकार अपराधियों को दण्ड देकर आर्थिक प्रगति के थोड़े साधन जुटा सकती है पर व्यक्तिगत मूढ़ता एवं दृष्टता को, सामाजिक भ्रष्टता एवं अस्त-व्यस्तता को मिटाना उसके बलबूते की बात नहीं । अधिनायकवाद की बात दूसरी है । प्रजातंत्र में यह बात नहीं । प्रजातंत्र में व्यक्ति अथवा समाज-सुधार का कार्य लोकसेवियों पर निर्भर रहता है । उन्हीं की सत्ता, व्यक्ति या समाज का स्तर ऊँचा उठा सकने में समर्थ हो सकती है । प्राचीनकाल में देश का गौरव उच्च शिखर पर पहुँचाये रखने का सारा श्रेय यहाँ के लोक-सेवियों को है । वे अपना सारा समय दो कार्यों में खर्च करते थे । प्रथम - अपना व्यक्तित्व उच्चकोटि का विनिर्मित करना, ताकि जनता पर उसका उचित प्रभाव पड़ सके । द्वितीय - निरन्तर अथक परिश्रम तथा अनवरत उत्साह के साथ जन-मानस में उत्कृष्टता भरने के लिए संलग्न रहना । साधु-ब्राह्मण और वानप्रस्थों की यही परम्परा एवं कर्म पद्धति थी । उनकी संख्या जितनी बढ़ती थी उसी अनुपात से राष्ट्रीय जीवन की हर दिशा में समृद्धि का अभिवर्द्धन होता चलता था । यही रहस्य था अपने गौरवमय इतिहास का । दुर्भाग्य ही कहना चाहिए, कि वे तीनों ही संस्थाएँ आज नष्ट हो गई । ब्राह्मण, साधु और वानप्रस्थ तीनों ही दिखाई नहीं पड़ते । उनकी तस्वीरें और प्रतिमाएँ बड़ी संख्या में घूमती- फिरती नजर आती हैं पर उनका लक्ष्य, आदर्श और कर्त्तव्य सर्वथा विपरित हो गया, ऐसी दशा में उनकी उपयोगिता भी नष्ट हो गई ।
दुर्भाग्य का रोना-रोने से काम न चलेगा । अभाव की पूर्ति दूसरी तरह करनी होगी । हम गृहस्थ लोग ही थोड़ा थोड़ा समय निकाल कर लोक-मंगल की सत्प्रवृत्तियों का अभिवर्द्धन करना अपना धर्म कर्त्तव्य समझें और उसके लिए निरन्तर कुछ न कुछ योगदान देने के लिए तत्परता प्रकट करने लगें तो उस आवश्यकता की पूर्ति हो सकती है, जिस पर प्रगति का सारा आधार अवलम्बित है । आवश्यकता ऐसे लोगों की है, जिनके अन्त:करण में देशभक्ति, समाज-सेवा एवं लोक-मंगल के लिए कुछ करने की उमंग भरी भावनाएँ लहरा रही हों । ऐसे ही नर-रत्न अपना जीवन धन्य करते हैं, अपने समय की महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिकाएँ सम्पादित करते हैं । देशभक्त नवनिर्माण के कार्य में जुट जाए
सरकार अपराधियों को दण्ड देकर आर्थिक प्रगति के थोड़े साधन जुटा सकती है पर व्यक्तिगत मूढ़ता एवं दृष्टता को, सामाजिक भ्रष्टता एवं अस्त-व्यस्तता को मिटाना उसके बलबूते की बात नहीं । अधिनायकवाद की बात दूसरी है । प्रजातंत्र में यह बात नहीं । प्रजातंत्र में व्यक्ति अथवा समाज-सुधार का कार्य लोकसेवियों पर निर्भर रहता है । उन्हीं की सत्ता, व्यक्ति या समाज का स्तर ऊँचा उठा सकने में समर्थ हो सकती है । प्राचीनकाल में देश का गौरव उच्च शिखर पर पहुँचाये रखने का सारा श्रेय यहाँ के लोक-सेवियों को है । वे अपना सारा समय दो कार्यों में खर्च करते थे । प्रथम - अपना व्यक्तित्व उच्चकोटि का विनिर्मित करना, ताकि जनता पर उसका उचित प्रभाव पड़ सके । द्वितीय - निरन्तर अथक परिश्रम तथा अनवरत उत्साह के साथ जन-मानस में उत्कृष्टता भरने के लिए संलग्न रहना । साधु-ब्राह्मण और वानप्रस्थों की यही परम्परा एवं कर्म पद्धति थी । उनकी संख्या जितनी बढ़ती थी उसी अनुपात से राष्ट्रीय जीवन की हर दिशा में समृद्धि का अभिवर्द्धन होता चलता था । यही रहस्य था अपने गौरवमय इतिहास का । दुर्भाग्य ही कहना चाहिए, कि वे तीनों ही संस्थाएँ आज नष्ट हो गई । ब्राह्मण, साधु और वानप्रस्थ तीनों ही दिखाई नहीं पड़ते । उनकी तस्वीरें और प्रतिमाएँ बड़ी संख्या में घूमती- फिरती नजर आती हैं पर उनका लक्ष्य, आदर्श और कर्त्तव्य सर्वथा विपरित हो गया, ऐसी दशा में उनकी उपयोगिता भी नष्ट हो गई ।
दुर्भाग्य का रोना-रोने से काम न चलेगा । अभाव की पूर्ति दूसरी तरह करनी होगी । हम गृहस्थ लोग ही थोड़ा थोड़ा समय निकाल कर लोक-मंगल की सत्प्रवृत्तियों का अभिवर्द्धन करना अपना धर्म कर्त्तव्य समझें और उसके लिए निरन्तर कुछ न कुछ योगदान देने के लिए तत्परता प्रकट करने लगें तो उस आवश्यकता की पूर्ति हो सकती है, जिस पर प्रगति का सारा आधार अवलम्बित है । आवश्यकता ऐसे लोगों की है, जिनके अन्त:करण में देशभक्ति, समाज-सेवा एवं लोक-मंगल के लिए कुछ करने की उमंग भरी भावनाएँ लहरा रही हों । ऐसे ही नर-रत्न अपना जीवन धन्य करते हैं, अपने समय की महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिकाएँ सम्पादित करते हैं ।
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

Patriot must involved in restoration / renaissance

The governments of our society can punish criminals but personal stupidity, ignorance, and corruption cannot be eliminated. In a democracy, it is difficult to control and regulate the personal flaws of people which can be easily altered in a dictatorship. In a democracy, social reforms are done by social workers or social leaders. Only these types of people are capable of raising the awareness levels of a person or society. In ancient history, one can find that a nation’s pride was elevated to the highest level by social workers. They invested their time in two aspects; One, to develop their own personality in all respects so that people could follow them, and two, to devote themselves with full enthusiasm and energy in order to inspire and motivate people to achieve excellence in all areas of life. These concepts were a great tradition of Saints, Brahmins, and Vanprasthis (those that left their houses & families to live in the ASHRAMS). This is the secret of our history, but unfortunately, all of the aspects of this culture are demolished. Whatever we have seen in these forms has diverted itself now. Today’s targets, focuses, and ideals are entirely different and useless. It is not worth crying over these unfortunate happenings. Rather, we have to compensate for the loss in some other way. If household people are ready, it is their religious duty to devote and contribute some time for the enhancement of good acts in the society. The compensation is possible because development is based on this involvement and devotion. Today, there is a need for people who are patriotic and have a zeal for society and the betterment of people. The lives of these people are really worth noting and they play pivotal roles in society.

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

चोट खाने वाला योद्धा

किसी समय तलवार चलाने वाले और सिर काटने में अग्रणी लोगों को योद्धा कहा जाता था पर अब मापदण्ड बदल गया । चारों और संव्याप्त आतंक और अनाचार के विरुद्ध संघर्ष में जो जितना साहस दिखा सके, और चोट खा सके उसे उतना ही बड़ा बहादुर माना जायगा । उस बहादुरी के ऊपर ही शोषण-विहीन समाज की स्थापना सम्भव हो सकेगी । दुर्बुद्धि से, कुत्सा और कुण्ठा से लड़ सकने में जो लोग समर्थ होंगे उन्हीं का पुरुषार्थ, पीडि़त मानवता को त्राण दे सकने का यश संचित कर सकेगा ।
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

The Warrior Who Bears the Wound

Once upon a time, swordsmen and those accustomed to beheading people were called ‘Warriors’ but now the basis of judgement has changed. One who can show valor in the struggle against the pandemic terror and malpractice, as well as bear the anguish, will be considered more courageous. On the groundwork of this valiance or

courage, a dauntless or unblemished society will be established. Only those people who can endure and will be able to fight against the malignity, abhorrence and immorality, can gather the praise for relieving the suffering of humanity.

भूत, भविष्य और वर्तमान

परम्परा अतीत की देन होती है और परिवर्तन भविष्य का प्रतीक । मनुष्य का जितना सम्बन्ध वर्तमान से होता है, उतना भूत अथवा भविष्य से नहीं । मनुष्य को वर्तमान में ही जीना पड़ता है । अतीत का वैभव उसका कोई कार्य सम्पादित नहीं कर पाता और भविष्य के स्वप्न भी कुछ काम नहीं आते । मनुष्य को अपने वर्तमान का ही निर्माण करना चाहिए, किन्तु इस निर्माण के लिए आवश्यक सामग्री वर्तमान में नहीं होती उसके लिए उसे अतीत के अनुभवों और भविष्य की कल्पनाओं का भी अवलम्बन लेना पड़ता है । वर्तमान का भवन भूत और भविष्यत्‌ की आधार-शिलाओं पर बनाया जा सकता है ।

Past, Future and Present

Tradition is a gift of past and transformation is a symbol of future. Man is related to the present more than the past or future. Man has to live in present. Treasure of past cannot be used in any work, and the dreams of future are also useless. Man should build his present, but the essential ingredients used for this purpose are not available in present. These has to be collected from the past experiences and the imaginations of the future. Building of present can be built on the bed-rocks of past and future.

संगठन की महान शक्ति

कहते हैं कि निर्जीव चीजें एक और एक दो होती हैं किन्तु जीवित मनुष्य यदि सच्चेपन से एक दूसरे को प्रेम करें और एकता की सुदृढ़ भावना में संबद्ध हों तो वे एक और एक मिलकर ग्यारह बन जाते हैं । उनकी शक्ति का परिणाम अनेक गुना अधिक बन जाता है । हमें इस प्रक्रिया को अपनाना ही होगा इसके बिना और कोई मार्ग नहीं । सज्जनों का संगठन हुए बिना दुर्जनता का पलायन और किसी उपाय से नहीं हो सकता ।
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

Great Strength of Unity

It is said that one plus one is equal to two but if human beings love each other in true sense and are united with good intentions then one plus one becomes eleven. Their power increases many times when united. We have to adopt this process and form teams in different areas to spread goodness in the society, there is no other way out. To eliminate scoundrels, good people have to be united.

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

Thursday, December 1, 2011

सम्पत्ति ही नहीं सदबुद्धि भी

सुख-सुविधा की साधन-सामग्री बढ़ाकर संसार में सुख-शान्ति और प्रगति होने की बात सोची जा रही है और उसी के लिए सब कुछ किया जा रहा है पर साथ ही हमें यह भी सोच लेना चाहिए कि समृद्धि तभी उपयोगी हो सकती है जब उसके साथ-साथ भावनात्मक स्तर भी ऊँचा उठता चले, यदि भावनाएँ निकृष्ट स्तर की रहें तो बढ़ी हुई सम्पत्ति उलटी विपत्ति का रूप धारण कर लेती है । दुर्बुद्धिग्रस्त मनुष्य अधिक धन पाकर उसका उपयोग अपने दोष-दुर्गुण बढ़ाने में ही करते हैं । अन्न का दुर्भिक्ष पड़ जाने पर लोग पत्ते और छालें खाकर जीवित रह लेते हैं पर भावनाओं का दुर्भिक्ष पडऩे पर यहॉँ नारकीय व्यथा-वेदनाओं के अतिरिक्त और कुछ शेष नहीं रहता ।
सम्पन्न लोगों का जीवन निर्धनों की अपेक्षा कलुषित होता है, उसके विपरीत प्राचीनकाल में ऋषियों ने अपने जीवन का उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करके यह सिद्ध किया था कि गरीबी की जीवन व्यवस्था में भी उत्कृष्ट जीवन जीना संभव हो सकता है । यहाँ सम्पन्नता एवं समृद्धि का विरोध नहीं किया जा रहा है, हमारा प्रयोजन केवल इतना ही है भावना स्तर ऊँचा उठने के साथ-साथ समृद्धि बढ़ेगी तो उसका सदुपयोग होगा और तभी उससे व्यक्ति एवं समाज की सुख-शान्ति बढ़ेगी । भावना स्तर की उपेक्षा करके यदि सम्पत्ति पर ही जोर दिया जाता रहा तो दुर्गुणी लोग उस बढ़ोत्तरी का उपयोग विनाश के लिए ही करेंगे । बन्दर के हाथ में गई हुई तलवार किसी का क्या हित साधन कर सकेगी ?
-पं. श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य

Not only wealth but also intelligence

There is a perception in the world that happiness, peace and prosperity can be attained by accumulating material resources and wealth. A lot of efforts are being made for the same. At the same time we must remember that wealth can be beneficial only when our emotional level is also high. A dispassionate person may very well convert prosperity into adversity and distress. A person with no conscience can misuse wealth. If there is dearth of food, people can survive by eating whatever comes but if there is dearth of emotions then only pain will remain.

It has been observed that the life of rich people is more disturbed and disgraceful compared to the poor. Examples of our ancient Rishis show that life can be lived happily in poverty too. There is no enmity or conflict with accumulating wealth, but if our emotional quotient is also high along with materialistic growth, then we can be more happy and peaceful, and so will be the society. If we neglect emotions and focus only on wealth then that money will be spent in destruction only. Can a sword in the monkey’s hand be of any assistance to any body?

We must prove ourselves to be excellent

Writers, artists, religious leaders, scientists as well as politicians, too, are feeling the need of our era and direction. Now they are sure that it is better to go with the flow.They have started understanding the inspiration of destiny and God's will. Accordingly they can be changed with time easily.Everyone will get its clear picture within a few days.

But one can't say this about the rich because neither are they able to understand the time nor are they ready to change with it.They are so caught up in trying to collect as much as they can, be as extravagant as they can be and satisfying their arrogance as much as they can that their return seems difficult.No rich person is ready to become poor.They can donate some money only to self-publicize to buy comfort in the other world on name of doing good for others. One can't hope for more from them.Today, no one is ready to profit from ability to earn for anything else except to satisfy one's senses as Bhamashah, Ashok, Mandhata, Vajshrava, Janak, Bharat and Harishchandra had done.Limits of earning, justice and rightness have been broken.Everyone is busy trying to earn as much as one can without caring for right or wrong.Someone is ahead or back because of difference of skill. This is what happens in horse race but all horses are running in the same direction.Their consciousness has become so mature that preaching falls on deaf ears.It does not have any effect.It seems that this creation must be sent to furnace to be melted again.Enough softness will be generated there to help remodel.Gandhi's trusteeship, Vinoba's land donation, wealth donation, Saints' renunciation arenothing more than texts of philosophy today.There doesn't seem to be any possibility of bringing it in behaviour.As a result one can only see misfortune in its luck.France's Louis, Czars of Russia, India's Kings as well as wealthy people from Russia and China, all of them were destroyed by just one stroke of luck. Had someone seen and understood that then the wealth would have been used for public welfare and to end the poverty. Had people shared everything then the world would have been a much more peaceful and wealthier place.Though there can be good people in a bad world but are they enough?

Time will establish socialism in the field of economics.Though it is a different matter as to where this process is slow and where it happens quickly. But this is what will happen.Now, the form of kings and emperors will adorn the museums.It will be read curiously in the pages of history.Similarly, some time later wealthy people, too, will no longer exist. Things that are not useful and required at a time are thrown in trash and junk.Wealth, too, is going to meet the same end in future.

We've spoken about the world of future.Today, one of the things that we need to change the time is – Wealth.It, too, is important just like education.It takes a thorn to take another out, sword to fight a sword.On the wealth front, too, we'll have to fight.The yagna of knowledge and increase of fighting spirits for change, too, requires resources.If wealthy people wanted to do so then it could have done so easily. But it is like a dying patient and one must not hope for it to improve or change and we will have to join hands just like the blood collection of Rishis for the birth of Seeta and pass another exam.