Good World

Good World

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Avoid Wailing Over Circumstances"

Instead of making big plans, the utilization of available tools and working on whatever small tasks are on our hands, can provide a sound footing for progress. It is far better to plunge into work with minimum available resources, rather than waiting for comfortable situation and abundance of instruments. For any task, small or big, success does not depend on tools and resources, but untiring efforts, perseverance and honesty are the roots for success. If we see, all noble rich people of the world have risen from a very ordinary situation to the amazing level. Situations were always unfavorable and tools were limited, but with their sincere efforts and right attitude, they reached the pinnacle of success. Had they kept wailing over circumstances, they would have been sitting idle even today, pampering the mind in imagination of illusive riches. 

Pt. Shriram Sharma Aacharya,

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