Good World

Good World

Monday, January 23, 2012

Keep ego under proper control

…Ego is also one of the factors that drain our mental capabilities. Ego springs up in our mind in many different forms, for example, a desire to know what other people think of us; a craving for being well-known; a longing for hearing our praises, and making other people say good things about us; and so on. Ego is the root cause of all such expectations and desires. Hearing other people praising us, or knowing their good opinions only serves to make us feel important.

Individual’s mind becomes so much engrossed in his/her yearning to feel important or to be seen as an important person that he/she will engage all the mental capabilities to see it materialise in one way or another. Having an ambition isn’t actually a bad idea. However, any ambition that only serves to satisfy one’s ego will make person’s mind, thoughts and attention completely preoccupied with the efforts to fulfil it. In such a situation the mind cannot think in a constructive or meaningful way.

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
Translated from - Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya’s work

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