Good World

Good World

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Utilise faith to evolve faith!

The impact of conventional education mostly remains limited to the sphere of body and mind, i.e. the development of physical and intellectual capacities. Acquiring so-called conventional knowledge hasn’t proved to be of much help in realizing individual’s even farther or deeper transformation. Had the conventional bookish education been really capable of moulding the core beliefs, every politician would have surely been true patriots and every public servant would have been discharging his/her duties with total dedication, exactly the way they were taught during their training.

Now the question arises as to what should be done to cultivate and uplift the personality (i.e. the sum total of feelings, thinking, actions and nature) of an individual in a very real sense?  The only answer to this question would be to make faith (i.e. the core inner beliefs) of an individual evolve with help of faith (worthy beliefs having high values and principles). Trained elephants are used to capture wild ones. A thorn lodged under the skin after a prick can be removed with help of another thorn! Venom can be neutralised using anti-venom which itself is a product of venom. Iron can be cut using tools made from iron itself. To get someone drowning out of the water, one will have to plunge into the same water. Similarly, one will have to replenish worthy beliefs having high values and principles (faith) to get rid of the corrupted beliefs residing deep inside their inner core.


-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
Translated from - Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya’s work

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