Good World

Good World

Friday, August 2, 2013

Natural Abundance of Essential Objects

Mother Nature has made available in her treasure, all the essential items required to sustain life. More the thing is needed, equally easy is its availability. For example, most important is the air for breathing, and see how abundant it is in the atmosphere! The same is true for the next essential things like water and food. Water is also available in plenty and food can be grown with some efforts by men. In the same way man also depends on nature for clothes and fuel for cooking. Herbal medicines, metals - gold, silver, copper, steel; wood, clay and bricks for building houses, stones and almost everything is available in nature. It is due to Mother Nature’s blessings that the items less important and less useful are usually obtained with great difficulty and the items that are most essential and vital for life are available with equally great ease.

-Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

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